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  2. Documentation
  3. Commands
  4. Settings


A command is available by tapping/clicking the button, which is located at the bottom right corner of the keyboard. Represents a menu for the user’s personal configurations. Below is described a list of available commands available from the settings menu.

  • Subscription – review your plan and the expiry date of the subscription
  • SetupApiKeys – allows to setup of the read/trade API key info
  • Guide – get a list of video tutorials on how to use the bot
  • Referrals – get a personal referral link, request a payout or get the number of referrals you have joined and see your calculated ETH remuneration
  • Social – get all links to our Social media resources
  • Help – get the description of each command structure

All these commands are not part of any plan of course, as they are designed to enhance comprehension of the bot’s features / to do all the setup needed to use a bot fully or participate in our referral program – the more users you join Cryptember, the more revenue you get.